Build Roads to connect Buildings to satisfy the Needs of your Population and to enable you to pick up Goods.If you upgrade Warehouses and Market buildings, you can increase the number of available Market carts.Norias are Oriental water wheels which turn the barren Deserts of the Southern islands into fertile Soil.Think about picking up the extracted Raw material or processing it on site. Mines are built directly on a Raw material deposit.Only one Plant can operate productively at each Deposit. Stone quarries, Quartz quarries and Trapper's huts must be built near the relevant Raw material deposits.When you complete certain Quests you will receive unusual Items, which cannot be purchased.All the Goods required will be picked up directly from Plants or Market buildings within this area by a Journeyman. Processing plants have an Influence area.Left-click on the Tax load to bump the Tax rate up to the maximum value for a particular Civilisation level.
Explore the game world with your Ship and discover new Islands and different Peoples.Provided you have left-clicked to select your Ship, you can right-click to sail it anywhere on the Map.Loading screen tips are shown on the loading screen. Loading screens extracted using the external tools 1404 explorer and GIMP